
We offer demurrage services including; fully outsourced demurrage handling, temporary / holiday cover, demurrage consultancy, no-win-no-fee demurrage recovery & demurrage training

These services are staffed by our team of 3 demurrage analysts and an in-house legal counsel, who have had extensive experience handling demurrage and additional freight claims for major oil traders.

Fully Outsourced Demurrage Handling

Pequod offer fully outsourced demurrage handling to our clients, meaning we take over the roles of; receiving incoming claims from shipowners and trading counterparties, issuing outgoing claims to trading counterparties, lodging the financial details of these claims on the traders P and L, negotiating and settling the claims and then helping to provide monthly reports on the overall claim’s position.

Remote working has assisted us in providing this service, meaning we can handle demurrage from home, in your office or from our office. Remote working has proven that we can adjust our services entirely to our client’s needs, such as increasing / decreasing hours depending on monthly surges or decreases in demand. This ensures that we stay on top of incoming claims and don’t waste time when there are fewer claims.

Temporary / Holiday Cover

Pequod can also offer temporary demurrage cover to manage backlogs, workflow surges and time-bar risks. This can be particularly useful for covering analysts on annual, sick or maternity leave. This service is particularly of value for companies with insufficient claim throughput to justify a full-time demurrage analyst.

Our experienced demurrage analysts can assist on-site or remotely to handle claims.

Consultancy / Retainer

We have considerable experience in providing retainer-based services to a number of major oil traders in which we perform the in house legal support role for their demurrage/operations team and/or provide fully outsourced demurrage management.

We offer an alternative to traditional FD&D cover with a far more trader focused support role where we provide the shipping and trading desks with “in house style” legal support, manage litigation and arbitration and provide coverage and assistance to a client’s demurrage team.

This support is provided by a team with over 70 years of combined experience working in the oil trading industry.

No-win No-fee Recovery

With our extensive expertise in the industry, we have developed a  huge contact database which assists us in settling demurrage disputes amicably & therefore avoiding damaging commercial relationships.

Pequod offer a “no win no fee” service for reducing incoming / recovering outgoing demurrage and additional freight claims.

This is particularly useful for;

  • Recovering backlogs that a traders demurrage team has insufficient time to handle; and,
  • Negotiating difficult claims with tricky counterparties.

Over the last 2 years, Pequod has recovered demurrage totalling over USD $3 million.

QuickLinks to the Demurrage team

David Clark


Direct Dial: +44 (0)20 7953 7988


Ritchie Jennings

Expert Demurrage & Add. Freight

Direct Dial: + 44 (0) 207 487 8840


Sam Griffiths

Claims Handler

Direct Dial: +44 (0) 20 7953 7988


David Atkins


Direct Dial: +44 (0) 20 7953 7988


If you any further information about Demurrage

feel free to get in touch

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